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Version: 1.4.x

Using Next.js In-App Inbox Component

Engagespot Next.js component helps you to build a notification feed for your Next.js.js app. This library includes Next.js components to build a Notification Inbox component in your app.

Notification Inbox Preview

Something like this.

Quick Setup

You can add a notification feed to your Next.js app in minutes with the pre-built UI Components and APIs powered by Engagespot.

npm install @engagespot/react-component

Client Side Rendering

We need to render EngageSpot on the client. This process differs based on the type of Next.js router that your are using.

  1. App Router

You need to add 'use client' to the top of the file.

  1. Page Router

You need to import Engagespot Component using next/dynamic and disable pre-rendering. This is done by setting the ssr option to false.

Then render Engagespot component where you want the bell icon to appear.

// EngageSpotNotification.tsx
'use client';

import { Engagespot } from '@engagespot/react-component';

const EngageSpotNotification = () => {
return (
userToken="Required if secure auth is enabled on your Engagespot app"

// import and call the component where you want bell icon to appear
import EngageSpotNotification from './EngageSpotNotification';

return <EngageSpotNotification />;

You can find your ENGAGESPOT_API_KEY from your Engagespot Console.

What is userId?

As explained in the basic concepts chapter, userId should be any value to uniquely identify your app's users. It can be their email id, or UUID or a numerical id from your database. This value usually comes from your backend.

What is userToken?

The userToken is a token (JWT) generated for your users by your secure backend server using a secret private key generated from Engagespot console. This ensures secure authentication for your user's In-App inbox. Find more details on generating the userToken here.


You must enable secure authentication mode for your production apps; otherwise, unauthorized access to your users' inbox messages is possible.

Working with Actionable Elements

Engagespot In-App Inbox supports interactive notifications with buttons and input fields. You can choose the layout while creating a template from the Engagespot Console.

Unique ID of interactive element

Every interactive element, like buttons and input fields, is assigned a unique block ID. You can locate this block ID within your template editor. It's crucial to have this block ID when writing event listeners for the respective elements.

Writing Event Listeners for Actionable Elements

Use the eventListenersToRun property of Engagespot component to define event listeners for any block.

blockId: "<blockId>",
event: "<supportedEvent>",
onEvent: ({ event, changeNotificationState, getValue }) => {
* For input components, you can read their value
* using `getValue()` function.
const comment = getValue("t101_b0_default_i0");

* Change the state of notification
* using `changeNotificationState()` method
changeNotificationState({ state: "accept" });

Supported Events

Block TypeEventDescription
ButtononClickFires when button is clicked
InputonChangeFires when value is changed
InputonKeyDown / onKeyUpFires when a key is pressed / released

Notification Events

You can listen to specific notification events, such as Notification Received, Seen, Read, Deleted, etc., and execute custom logic in your frontend code. Utilize the events property of the Engagespot component for this purpose.

onNotificationReceive: notification => {},

Extending Components

Engagespot Next.js library allows you to customize the pre-built UI components to match your needs and requirements. Let's look at few customization options available.

Rendering a custom notification item

A notification item is an individual notification component in the notification center. You can completely customize it using the renderNotificationBody property which accepts a call back function with the notification item. The function should return a custom Next.js component which will be rendered instead of the default notification item component.

For example, you can render a custom notification item like the one below -

Sample code for rendering a custom notification item using the renderNotificationBody prop is shown below.

renderNotificationBody={notification => {
if ( === 'invoice') {
return (
fontSize: '14px',
padding: '0px',
color: '#4f4b4b',
marginBottom: '2px',
fontWeight: 'normal',
fontSize: '14px',
dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: notification.heading }}

<div style={{ width: '15%', float: 'left' }}>
marginLeft: '-10px',
width: '80%',
borderRadius: '5px',
paddingTop: '8px',
width: '50%',
float: 'left',
marginLeft: '-20px',

paddingTop: '15px',
fontSize: '13px',
style={{ textDecoration: 'none', color: '#3f62be' }}
width: '25%',
float: 'right',
paddingTop: '10px',
fontSize: '14px',
width: '50px',
borderRadius: '5px',
display: 'block',
backgroundColor: '#3f62be',
color: '#fff',
textDecoration: 'none',
padding: '8px 10px',
fontSize: '12px',
marginBottom: '5px',
Pay Now

<p style={{ fontSize: '0.7rem', color: 'rgb(136, 136, 136)' }}>
2m ago . Billing


The Engagespot notification react component can be customized to suit your application's look and feel. The Engagespot component accepts the following props (EngagespotProps interface).


interface EngagespotProps {
theme?: ThemeOverrides;
panelOpenByDefault?: boolean;
panelOnly?: boolean;
feedItemPlaceholderImage?: string;
hideNotificationAvatar?: boolean;
hideJumpToTop?: boolean;
headerText?: string;
renderFooterContent?: customRenderFn;
renderNotificationIcon?: customRenderFn;
renderEmptyPlaceholderImage?: customRenderFn;
renderNotificationContent?: customRenderFn<customNotificationContentType>;
renderNotificationBody?: customRenderFn<customNotificationContentType>;
onFeedItemClick?: (evt, payload: ClickableNotificationPayload) => void;
headerDropdownItems?: DropdownMenuProps["items"];


The theme parameter is of ThemeOverrides interface. You can customize pretty much every element of your notification center.

interface ThemeOverrides {

colors: {
brandingPrimary: string;
colorPrimary: string;
colorSecondary: string;
panel: {
boxShadow: string;
width: string;
height: string;
borderBottomLeftRadius: string;
borderBottomRightRadius: string;
borderTopLeftRadius: string;
borderTopRightRadius: string;
arrowSize: string;
arrowInset: string;
feed: {
background: string;
placeholderTextColor: string;
height: string;
placeholderTextSize: string;
placeholderMargin: string;
placeholderFontWeight: string;
feedItem: {
border: string;
background: string;
notificationDot: string;
hoverBackground: string;
headerColor: string;
descriptionColor: string;
dateColor: string;
placeHolderBackground: string;
placeHolderGradient: string;
height: string;
padding: string;
placeholderTextSize: string;
notificationDotSize: string;
imageSize: string;
imageRadius: string;
hoverTransition: string;
textContentPadding: string;
textContentMargin: string;
headerFontWeight: string;
headerSize: string;
headerPadding: string;
descriptionSize: string;
descriptionPadding: string;
dateSize: string;
menuMargin: string;
notificationButton: {
background: string;
hoverBackground: string;
iconFill: string;
floatingButtonShadow: string;
iconSize: string;
outline: string;
margin: string;
padding: string;
borderWidth: string;
normalButtonRadius: string;
floatingButtonRadius: string;
transition: string;
unreadBadgeCount: {
background: string;
color: string;
borderRadius: string;
fontSize: string;
inset: string;
size: string;
dropdown: {
iconFill: string;
background: string;
hoverBackground: string;
menuBackground: string;
menuShadow: string;
menuItemTextColor: string;
menuItemHoverBackground: string;
iconWidth: string;
iconHeight: string;
margin: string;
padding: string;
borderWidth: string;
outline: string;
transition: string;
menuBorderRadius: string;
menuItemPadding: string;
jumpToTop: {
background: string;
iconFill: string;
shadow: string;
iconSize: string;
inset: string;
borderRadius: string;
padding: string;
margin: string;
transition: string;
header: {
fontColor: string;
closeButtonBackground: string;
fontSize: string;
fontWeight: string;
height: string;
padding: string;
closeButtonOutline: string;
closeButtonPadding: string;
closeButtonFontSize: string;
closeButtonMargin: string;
closeButtonColor: string;
footer: {
background: string;
fontColor: string;
preferenceButtonColor: string;
border: string;
preferenceButtonHoverBackground: string;
fontWeight: string;
height: string;
padding: string;
fontSize: string;
linkMargin: string;
linkSize: string;
preferenceButtonMargin: string;
preferenceButtonSize: string;
preferenceButtonPadding: string;
preferenceButtonHoverTransition: string;
linkRadius: string;
preference: {
fontColor: string;
background: string;
height: string;
fontWeight: string;
padding: string;
preferenceModal: {
overlayBackground: string;
headingColor: string;
background: string;
closeButtonColor: string;
textPrimaryColor: string;
textSecondaryColor: string;
buttonPrimaryColor: string;
buttonPrimaryBackgroundColor: string;
buttonPrimaryHoverBackgroundColor: string;
buttonSecondaryColor: string;
buttonSecondaryBackgroundColor: string;
buttonSecondaryHoverBackgroundColor: string;
overlayOpacity: string;
height: string;
backdropFilter: string;
borderRadius: string;
padding: string;
textAlign: string;
headerMargin: string;
headerFontSize: string;
closeButtonSize: string;
textPrimaryMargin: string;
textPrimaryFontSize: string;
textSecondaryMargin: string;
textSecondaryFontSize: string;
primaryButtonFontWeight: string;
primaryButtonPadding: string;
primaryButtonBorderRadius: string;
primaryButtonMargin: string;
primaryButtonTransition: string;

For example, if you want to change the primary colors of your notification feed,

import {Engagespot} from '@engagespot/react-component';

const theme = {
colors: {
colorPrimary: "#0971f1";

userId = ""
theme = {theme}

You can check out examples in Codesandbox to learn how to customize different elements of the notification inbox component.