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Version: 1.4.x

Using Notification Events and States

With version 2.5.0, you can trigger Bubble workflows based on notification click events.


This guide is for configuring click events on generic, non-actionable notifications. If you're looking to configure event listeners for actionable components like buttons, see this guide instead.

Sending custom data with notification send action.

The first step in triggering custom workflows based on Notifiction Click event is to add custom data data attributes to the send action.

For this, the Engagespot Bubble Plugin allows you to define two custom data attributes - Custom Data 1 and Custom Data 2. These two are text data attributes which you can use to assign any value such as a Unique ID.

Attaching custom attributes to Send Notification Action

These two custom data attributes will be available as state variables on the front-end.

Listening to notification click actions, and triggering workflows.

When a notification inside the Engagespot notification inbox component is clicked by the user, it triggers Notification Clicked event that you can listen in Bubble workflow builder.

Listening to notification click event

Along with this event, two state variables Custom Data 1 and Custom Data 2 will be made available.

Accessing custom data states

For example, you could save the notification type (eg: like_notification) in Custom Data 1 variable. And any other meta data that you need in your workflow (eg: post_id) in Custom Data 2. And then use this data in a workflow to navigate the user to the page as per your requirement.