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Version: 1.5.x

Getting and Updating Preferences

You can update your user's notification preference in your app using Engagespot REST API or through any of our client SDKs.


You should use the preferences endpoint to read and set preferences of a user.


When you make this API call, you're authenticating yourself as the User of your app. And this is achieved using the X-ENGAGESPOT-USER-ID header. (Also, make sure to pass X-ENGAGESPOT-API-SECRET if your app has HMAC Authentication turned ON.)

Reading Existing Preferences

To read the existing preferences, send a GET request to /preferences endpoint. This will return an array of preference objects. Each preference object has a categoryId, and a channelPreferences array which contains the status of channel in that category.

"category": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Comment",
"identifier": "comment"
"channelPreferences": [
"channel": "inApp",
"enabled": 1
"channel": "email",
"enabled": 1

If a user has not explicitly defined a preference rule for a channel on a category, that rule won't be listed in the above response. Also, that means that notifications are enabled by default for that channel.

Since this API won't return the categories for which the user has not set any preferences yet, you might need to use the Categories API to get a list of all categories in the app.

Updating Preference

Let's say a user wants to disable "Comment" notifications via email, but enable Mobile App Push notifications for the same. We can update this preference in a single API call.

PATCH /preferences View API Doc

"preference": [
"categoryId": 1,
"channels": [
"channel": "email",
"enabled": false
"channel": "mobilePush",
"enabled": true

The list of channels and their identifiers are given in the Channels chapter.