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Version: 1.5.x



The Engagespot CLI provides commands to manage workflows across environments, allowing developers to:

  • List all workflows from the engagespot server.
  • Pull workflows from the server to the local machine.
  • Push workflows from the local machine to the engagespot server.

This documentation explains how to use these commands effectively.

Listing Workflows

To list all workflows in a specific environment, use the following command:

engagespot workflow list -e <environment>


  • Purpose: This command lists all workflows available in the specified environment on the Engagespot server.
  • Parameters:
    • -e <environment>: A mandatory parameter that specifies the environment from which to list the workflows (e.g., development, staging, or production).
  • Output: The CLI displays a table of workflows, including details such as ID, identifier, name, active status, creation date, unpublished changes status, and category name.


$ engagespot workflow list -e development

Workflows fetched successfully

Pulling Workflows

To pull workflows from the server to the local machine, use the following command:

engagespot workflow pull -e <environment> [-i <identifier>]


  • Purpose: This command pulls workflows from the specified environment on the server to your local machine, creating a local copy.
  • Parameters:
    • -e <environment>: A mandatory parameter to specify the environment from which the workflows should be pulled.
    • -i <identifier>: (Optional) Specifies the workflow identifier. If not provided, all workflows will be pulled.
  • Output: The CLI pulls the selected workflows and stores them in the engagespot/workflows directory on your local machine. If workflows with the same identifiers exist locally, the command will ask for confirmation before overriding them.


$ engagespot workflow pull -e development -i "notification_workflow"


Pulling workflows will override any local changes that are made to the workflows with the same identifiers. Are you sure you want to continue? (y/N)

Pushing Workflows

To push workflows from your local machine to the server, use the following command:

engagespot workflow push -e <environment> [-i <identifier>]


  • Purpose: This command pushes local workflow files to the specified environment on the Engagespot server.
  • Parameters:
    • -e <environment>: A mandatory parameter to specify the environment to which the workflows should be pushed.
    • -i <identifier>: (Optional) Specifies the workflow identifier. If not provided, all workflows from the local directory will be pushed.
  • Output: The CLI uploads the local workflows to the Engagespot server and provides a success message upon completion.


$ engagespot workflow push -e development -i "notification_workflow"

Example Scenarios

  1. Scenario: Listing Workflows in a Development Environment

    • Run engagespot workflow list -e development to list all workflows in the development environment.
  2. Scenario: Pulling a Specific Workflow

    • To pull a single workflow from the staging environment, use engagespot workflow pull -e staging -i "welcome_email".
  3. Scenario: Pushing All Local Workflows

    • After editing workflows locally, push them to the production environment with engagespot workflow push -e production.