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Version: 1.5.x


Engagespot is packed with useful features to enhance your notification experience, and while this guide highlights the most commonly used ones, you can explore the full range of capabilities in our API Reference Docs.

1. Category Tabs

Easily organize notifications by category! With category tabs, users can quickly filter notifications based on pre-defined categories. Set these up in your admin console, then tag messages with a categoryIdentifier to ensure they appear in the appropriate tab. Learn more about categories.


To hide category tabs, set the hideCategoryTabs prop to true.

2. Event Callbacks

Engagespot provides a range of events to help you dynamically interact within your app. Use the events property of the Engagespot component to handle these events. For example, the notificationReceive event fires whenever a new notification arrives, allowing you to attach a callback function to tailor your app's response.

Event types

type EventCallbackMap = {
notificationReceive: EventCallback<NotificationReceiveEvent>;
notificationDelete: EventCallback<NotificationDeleteEvent>;
notificationRead: EventCallback<NotificationClickEvent>;
notificationSeen: EventCallback<NotificationSeenEvent>;
notificationReadAll: EventCallback<NotificationReadAll>;
notificationDeleteAll: EventCallback<NotificationDeleteAll>;
notificationStateChange: EventCallback<NotificationStateChange>;


render(this.engagespotBellIcon.nativeElement, {
onNotificationReceive: notification => {},

3. Toast Notifications

Engagespot provides built-in toast notifications, leveraging the Sonner library for a seamless experience. This means you can pass any props compatible with Sonner, and they’ll work as expected.

We also include the notificationReceive event for toastProps, enabling you to display options based on the specific notification item received.

Toast Props Example

render(this.engagespotBellIcon.nativeElement, {
toasterProps: {
position: 'top-right',
toastProps: {
options: notificationReceiveEvent => ({
duration: 5000,

4. Sound and Audio Cues

Enable a notification chime to alert users whenever a new notification is received. disableNotificationChime can be used to enable the chime, and notificationChimeSrc can be used to set a custom audio file for the notification alert.

Sound Props

disableNotificationChime: boolean; // Set to false to enable chime, default is true
notificationChimeSrc: string; // Path or URL of custom audio file for chime sound

5. Control Panel Open/Close State Externally

For more flexible control, Engagespot allows you to manage the open/close state of the notification panel with external state handling.

Panel Control Props

type PanelProps = {
isOpen: boolean; // Control panel open/close
setIsOpen: (isOpen: boolean) => void; // Update panel state
disableDismiss?: boolean; // Optional prop to prevent dismissal

This makes it easy to integrate panel state with your app’s logic, giving you control over when the panel is visible.

6. Custom Notification Content

Render custom notification content directly within Engagespot. This feature lets you design notifications tailored specifically to your app’s look and feel.

A notification item in the center can be fully customized using the renderNotificationBody property, which accepts a callback to return a custom React component, replacing the default.

Sample code for rendering a custom notification item using the renderNotificationBody prop is shown below.

render(this.engagespotBellIcon.nativeElement, {
renderNotificationBody={notification => {
if ( === 'invoice') {
// Can pass any html content here
return <InvoiceComponent />;

For more in-depth documentation and to explore advanced features, check out our API Reference Docs.