API Reference
This page contains the complete documentation about the Hooks library. You can find here the list of all the methods that you can use.
Hook for handling all the states of a notification feed
const { notifications, loading, loadMore, refresh, hasMore } = useFeed();
type definition
const useFeed: () => {
notifications: EngagespotStoreNotification[];
loading: boolean;
loadMore: () => void;
refresh: () => void;
hasMore: boolean;
type EngagespotStoreNotification = EngagespotNotification & {
createdAtRelative?: string;
clickedAtRelative?: string;
seenAtRelative?: string;
type EngageSpotNotification = {
id: number;
title: string;
message?: string | null;
icon?: string | null;
url?: string | null;
data?: Record<string, unknown> | null;
category?: {
id?: string;
identifier?: string;
name?: string;
blocks?: {
id?: string;
| 'box'
| 'typography'
| 'blue-dot'
| 'rating-star'
| 'card'
| 'button'
| 'image'
| 'textarea'
| 'input';
text?: string;
src?: OneOf<
blob?: string;
variant?: 'default' | 'primary' | 'secondary';
createdAt: string;
seenAt?: string | null;
clickedAt?: string | null;
state?: 'unread' | 'seen' | 'clicked' | null;
Hook for handling all the actions of a notification panel
const {
} = useActions();
type definition
const useActions: () => {
deleteNotification: (notificationId: number) => Promise<void>;
markAsRead: (notificationId: number) => Promise<void>;
markAllAsRead: (data: Optional<Pagination, 'limit'>) => Promise<void>;
deleteAllNotifications: () => Promise<void>;
markAsSeen: (data: Optional<Pagination, 'limit'>) => Promise<void>;
changeState: (values: { id: string; state: string }) => Promise<void>;
type Pagination = { pageNo: number; limit?: number };
Additional Info
changeState: (values: {id: string, state: string}) => Promise<void>
- A function to change the state for actionable notifications.
Hook for getting the unseen no of notifications
const unseenCount = useUnseenCount();
type definition
useUnseenCount(): number
Hook for listening to an event firing and get it's related data
useEvent('eventName', data => {
console.log(data, 'event information');
type definition
useEvent<T extends keyof EventCallbackMap>(eventName: T, callback: EventCallbackMap[T]): void
type EventCallback<T> = (params: T) => void;
type EventCallbackMap = {
notificationReceive: EventCallback<NotificationReceiveEvent>;
notificationDelete: EventCallback<NotificationDeleteEvent>;
notificationRead: EventCallback<NotificationClickEvent>;
notificationSeen: EventCallback<NotificationSeenEvent>;
notificationReadAll: EventCallback<NotificationReadAll>;
notificationDeleteAll: EventCallback<NotificationDeleteAll>;
notificationStateChange: EventCallback<NotificationStateChange>;
type NotificationReceiveEvent = { notification: Notification };
type NotificationDeleteEvent = { id: string };
type NotificationClickEvent = { id: string };
type NotificationSeenEvent = { unreadCount: number };
type NotificationReadAll = void;
type NotificationDeleteAll = void;
type NotificationStateChange = {
notification: Notification;
Additional Info
could be of the valuesnotificationReceive
- The data on your callback argument is based on the type of your
Hook for handling WebPush actions
const {
} = useWebPush();
type definition
const useWebPush: () => {
metadata: FetcherValue<FetchResponse<MetaData>>;
subscribe: () => Promise<void>;
clearWebPushSubscription: () => Promise<void>;
isSupported: () => boolean;
webPushState: PermissionState;
type PermissionState = 'denied' | 'granted' | 'default';
Hook for user preference state and methods
const { preferences, setProfileAttributes, setPreferences, channels } =
type definition
const usePreferences: () => {
preferences: Preferences;
setProfileAttributes: (data: SetUserAttributes) => void
setPreferences: setPreferences;
channels: Channels;
type Preferences: {
categories: {
channels: {
id: Channels;
name: string;
enabled: boolean;
id?: number | undefined;
name?: string | undefined;
identifier?: string | undefined;
createdAt?: string | undefined;
updatedAt?: string | undefined;
}[] | undefined;
type SetUserAttributes = Record<string, unknown>;
type setPreferences: (data: {
categoryId?: number | undefined;
channels?: {
channel?: Channels;
enabled?: boolean | undefined;
}[] | undefined;
}[]) => Promise<void>
type Channels = "inApp" | "webPush" | "email" | "mobilePush" | "sms" | "whatsapp" |
"webhook" | "discord" | "slack" | "chat"
Engagespot Provider
Provider makes all hook methods and values accessible throughout your application.
const App = () => {
return (
userId: 'youruser@example.com',
<NotificationFeed />
type definition
EngagespotProvider({ options, children, }: EngagespotProviderProps): JSX.Element
type EngagespotProviderProps = {
options: StoreOptions;
children: ReactNode;
type StoreOptions = {
* Unique user identifier
userId: string;
* Engagespot API key
apiKey: string;
* signature for the user
* @deprecated
userSignature?: string;
* Enabling secure mode enforces token based authentication for the front-end in-app inbox.
* Production apps must enable secure mode to prevent unauthorised access to your users in-app inbox.
* https://docs.engagespot.co/docs/features/in-app-inbox/authentication/#enabling-the-secure-mode
userToken?: string;
* disable web push notifications.
* Default is false
disableWebPush?: boolean;
* Allow non-HTTPS web push. Useful for development environments.
* Default is false
allowNonHttpsWebPush?: boolean;
* service worker registration object
serviceWorkerRegistration?: ServiceWorkerRegistration;
* Disables realtime messages
* Default is false
disableRtm?: boolean;
* optional base URL for Engagespot server.
* Should be set if the Engagespot server is hosted on a different domain.
baseUrl?: string;
* Enable debug mode
* Default is false
debug?: boolean;
* Disabling this will prevent Engagespot from calling the `connect()` and `realTime()` services automatically.
disableAutoStart?: boolean;
* If disabled, the store won't update automatically on real-time events.
disableRealTimeStoreUpdates?: boolean;
* If disabled, the store won't fetch notifications on start.
disableFetchOnStart?: boolean;
* Limit the no of data to be fetched
itemsPerPage?: number;
* The interval in milliseconds to recall the relative time update function
relativeTimeUpdateInterval?: number;