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Version: 1.5.x

Triggering Workflow

Once you've published the workflow using your Engagespot Console, it can be trigger using the send notification API itself. You just need to specify the workflow identifier (which you can see on your dashboard).

const { EngagespotClient } = require('@engagespot/node');
const client = EngagespotClient({

notification: {
workflow: {
identifier: 'workflowIdentifier',
cancellationKey: 'yourUniqueCancellationKey',
data: {
key: 'value',
sendTo: {
recipients: ['your-users-unique-identifier'],

You can pass data payload along with workflow trigger to replace your template variables.

Inline identification of users


It is possible to create the users inline during a workflow trigger. Thus you can avoid creating the user beforehand. Read guide