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Version: 1.5.x

Default Web Push - Advanced


This article explains how to setup advanced configurations in Default Web Push Provider. If you're just trying to enable default web push provider, read this guide.

Advanced Setup - Using Existing Service Worker

If you already have a service worker registered in your application, you shouldn't try to add a new file for Engagespot. Only one service worker file is supported per domain. But you can do a slightly different configuration.

Import Engagespot Service Worker in your existing Service Worker file.

Open your existing service worker file and copy the following line to the top section.


// Rest of your service worker content goes here...

Initializing Engagespot Front-end SDK with your existing service worker registration.

Since you already have a service worker file, you should have registered it in your app through the window.navigator.serviceWorker.ready function. You just need to pass that registration context to Engagespot so the SDK will use it instead of trying to register a new service worker.

Here is how you can do it in our core Javascript SDK

window.navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(swRegistration =>
const engagespotClient = new Engagespot('YOUR_API_KEY',{
