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Version: 1.5.x


Setting up Slack notifications is easy with our template editor. You can customize your Slack messages using the message field and by adding Slack blocks for more complex layouts.

Configuring Slack Notifications

Message Field

  • Message Field: Enter the primary content of your Slack notification. This field supports plain text, which will be displayed as the main body of the message.


    📢 New Update!

    We’re excited to announce that {{data.featureName}} is now available. Check out the latest features and improvements.

    👉 Learn More: {{}}


For more advanced formatting and interactive elements, use Slack blocks. Blocks allow you to create rich message layouts with various components, such as sections, images, and buttons.

Adding Slack Blocks

  1. Open the Blocks Editor:

    • Access the blocks editor to add and configure Slack blocks.
  2. Add Blocks:

    • Section Block: Use this block to display a section of text or to include images and fields.
    • Image Block: Add images to your notifications with a URL to the image file.
    • Actions Block: Include interactive buttons or actions within the message.
    • Context Block: Add contextual information or additional details as small text.
  3. Configure Blocks:

    • Each block type comes with specific configuration options. For instance, in the Section Block, you can add text, fields, or images, while the Actions Block allows you to set up interactive buttons.

Example Configuration:

  • Section Block:

    "type": "section",
    "block_id": "section-1",
    "text": {
    "type": "mrkdwn",
    "text": "*New Product Launch!* \nWe’re excited to introduce {{data.productName}}. It’s packed with amazing features!"
  • Image Block:

    "type": "image",
    "image_url": "{{data.imageUrl}}",
    "alt_text": "Product Image"
  • Actions Block:

    "type": "actions",
    "elements": [
    "type": "button",
    "text": {
    "type": "plain_text",
    "text": "Learn More"
    "url": "{{data.productLink}}"