API Request
A API Request function in a workflow performs an HTTP request, retrieving data from an external source. The data returned from this HTTP request is then merged with the original trigger data provided when the workflow was initiated.
Adding API Request Function
API Request function can be added at any point in your workflow. They can occur before or after any function/step

Configuring a request
After adding a API Request function in the workflow builder, you can configure the specifics of your request using the edit request option. For each API Request step, you can adjust the following attributes:

- Request method: Choose from GET (the default), POST, or PUT.
- URL: Provide a valid HTTP URL.
- Headers: Specify any headers to include in the request using a key-value editor, where the key is the header name and the value is the header value.
- Query parameters: Add any query parameters to encode into the URL using a key-value editor.
- Request body: For POST or PUT requests, build a request body to include in the request. The request body will always be encoded as JSON.
You have the flexibility to create conditions for API Request step using the Condition Builder.