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Version: 1.5.x

Condition Builder

Step conditions enable you to control the flow of your workflow on a per-step basis. By associating one or more conditions with any step, Engagespot evaluates these conditions during each workflow run to decide if the step should be executed. For example, you might send an email only if the preceding in-app notification has not been read or seen.

Conditions Editor

The Engagespot Console includes a conditions editor that provides helpful abstractions on top of the data model. This means you don't need to remember how to format variables or name operators; Engagespot makes the appropriate options available to you.

When you click "Add condition," you will see the following fields to specify conditions for step execution:

  • Condition Type: Choose the type of condition, such as Data, Step, or Recipient.
  • Previous Step: Choose the reference to the previous step (only in the case of Step condition type).
  • Data Property: Enter the specific data property to be evaluated.
  • Operator: Select the operator to apply, such as "is equal to" or "greater than."
  • Data Property Value: Enter the value to compare against the data property.
  • Data Key: Enter the specific key of data (only in the case of Fetch Step).

You can also use the conditions editor to combine multiple conditions together via either 'AND' or 'OR' operators.

AND combined conditions require all conditions to be true for the evaluation to pass.
OR combined conditions require at least one condition to be true for the evaluation to pass.

Advanced Condition Builder

Modeling a Condition

In Engagespot each condition is a combination of three properties: a contextual variable, an operator, and an argument.


data.step.sms_1.state == 'success'

Components of a Condition

  1. Contextual Variable: This variable is formatted as a string in the following manner: <conditionType>.<path>. The conditionType determines the type of condition, while the path specifies where to look up the data for evaluation. In our example:

    • data.step.sms_1.state
      • data: Represents the condition type, indicating that this condition pertains to data within the workflow.
      • step.sms_1.state: Specifies the exact path within the data object, pointing to the state of the sms_1 step.
  2. Operator: This is the comparison operator used to evaluate the condition. In our example:

    • ==: This operator checks for equality between the state of the sms_1 step and the specified argument.
  3. Argument: This is the value against which the contextual variable is compared. In our example:

    • 'success': This argument represents the expected state of the sms_1 step.

Condition Types

The shared conditions model supports the following types of conditions:

  • Data: Evaluates against a property in the workflow trigger data payload. This condition type is useful for checking specific data points that initiated the workflow, such as user actions or external system inputs.

  • Recipient: Evaluates against a property of the workflow run recipient. This can be used to tailor workflow steps based on recipient attributes like user roles, subscription status, or custom profile fields. For example, you might send a different message to users based on their subscription level or account status.

  • Step: Evaluates against a property of the currently executing workflow step. This type of condition is used when the decision depends on the outcome or data from a specific step in the workflow. For instance, if a previous step involved fetching data from an API, the condition might check if the fetched data meets certain criteria before proceeding.

Contextual Variable

Engagespot uses contextual variable formatted as strings in the following manner:<conditionType>.<path>. The conditionType of the variable determines the condition type, while the path specifies where to look up the data for evaluation.

The allowed variable formats in Engagespot are as follows:

Contextual VariablesData TypeDescriptionExampleApplies For
data.step.<step_ref>.dataStringEvaluates the string input from a WaitForInput === 'Y'Wait For Input
data.step.<step_ref>.data.<path>ObjectEvaluates the object output from a Fetch === '200'Fetch Step
data.step.<step_ref>.stateStateState of a workflow stepdata.step.sms_1.state == 'success'Any Step
data.step.<step_ref>.message.<message_status>MessageStatusEvaluates the message status for a channel === trueChannel Step
data.recipient.<prop>ObjectEvaluates against a property on the workflow recipientdata.recipient.age > '20'Any Step<path>ObjectEvaluates against a property in the workflow dataAny Step


You can use any of the following operators in condition comparisons:

Comparison Operators in EngageSpot

equal to==Checks if two values are equal.
not equal to!=Checks if two values are not equal.
greater than>Checks if the left value is greater than the right value.
greater than or equal to>=Checks if the left value is greater than or equal to the right value.
less than<Checks if the left value is less than the right value.
less than or equal to<=Checks if the left value is less than or equal to the right value.


Engagespot utilizes the condition argument to assess conditions based on expected values. These arguments can be categorized as either static or dynamic properties.

Static Arguments

Static arguments can include the following JSON literals:

  • Strings: "foo", "bar", "baz"
  • Numbers: 1.0, 2, 10000
  • Booleans: true, false
  • null

Dynamic Arguments

Dynamic arguments function similarly to contextual variables. Engagespot requires these arguments to be formatted as a string in the form of <conditionType>.<path>. This format allows Engagespot to derive a value from runtime data properties. You can use all the contextual variables as previously discussed.

State Options

The state Options represents various states a workflow step can have. Here are the possible states:

scheduledscheduledThe step is scheduled for execution.
queuedqueuedThe step is in the queue awaiting execution.
runningrunningThe step is currently being executed.
successsuccessThe step has completed successfully.
failedfailedThe step has failed.
skippedskippedThe step was skipped.
batchedbatchedThe step is part of a batch execution.

Message Status

The MessageStatus represents various statuses a message can have during its lifecycle. The statuses differ based on the channel through which the message is sent. Here are the possible statuses for each channel:

smsdelivered, sent, not_sentDelivery statuses for SMS messages.
inappdelivered, sent, seen, read, interacted, not_sentDelivery and engagement statuses for in-app messages.
emaildelivered, delivery_attempted, sent, seen, read, interacted, not_sentDelivery and engagement statuses for email messages.
slackdelivered, sent, not_sentDelivery statuses for Slack messages.
discorddelivered, sent, not_sentDelivery statuses for Discord messages.
webhookdelivered, sent, not_sentDelivery statuses for Webhook messages.
mobilePushdelivered, sent, not_sentDelivery statuses for mobile push notifications.
webPushdelivered, sent, not_sentDelivery statuses for web push notifications.
whatsappdelivered, delivery_attempted, sent, not_sent, read, repliedDelivery and engagement statuses for WhatsApp messages.

Combining Conditions

The conditions editor allows for complex logic by combining multiple conditions using 'AND' and 'OR' operators:

  • 'AND' Conditions: All conditions must be true for the evaluation to pass. This is useful when you need to ensure multiple criteria are met before proceeding. For example, you might require that a user is both subscribed to a specific service and has interacted with a previous message.

  • 'OR' Conditions: At least one condition must be true for the evaluation to pass. This is useful for more flexible criteria where any one of several conditions being true is sufficient. For example, you might proceed if a user either seen a message in inApp or Updated his preference.

Example of Combining Conditions

In the above example the email step is only executed only if the recipient's age is greater than 20 and the sms step must be failed.